Incident 732: Whisper Speech-to-Text AI Reportedly Found to Create Violent Hallucinations

Description: Researchers at Cornell reportedly found that OpenAI's Whisper, a speech-to-text system, can hallucinate violent language and fabricated details, especially with long pauses in speech, such as from those with speech impairments. Analyzing 13,000 clips, they determined 1% contained harmful hallucinations. These errors pose risks in hiring, legal trials, and medical documentation. The study suggests improving model training to reduce these hallucinations for diverse speaking patterns.


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Daniel Atherton

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AI speech-to-text can hallucinate violent language · 2024

Speak a little too haltingly and with long pauses, and a speech-to-text transcriber might put harmful, violent words in your mouth, Cornell researchers have discovered.

 OpenAI's Whisper -- an artificial intelligence-powered speech recognit…


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