Incident 700: Meta's AI Chatbots Are Entering Online Support Communities Uninvited

Description: Meta's AI chatbots have reportedly begun entering online communities on Facebook, providing responses that mimic human interaction. These chatbots, often uninvited, disrupt the human connection critical for support groups by giving misleading or false information and pretending to share lived experiences.


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Alleged: Meta developed and deployed an AI system, which harmed Facebook users and Facebook users in online support communities.

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Daniel Atherton
Facebook’s AI Told Parents Group It Has a Gifted, Disabled Child · 2024

Meta's AI chatbot told a Facebook group of tens of thousands of parents in New York City that it has a child who is both gifted and challenged academically and attends a specific public school in the city.

"Does anyone here have experience …

AI chatbots are intruding into online communities where people are trying to connect with other humans · 2024

A parent asked a question in a private Facebook group in April 2024: Does anyone with a child who is both gifted and disabled have any experience with New York City public schools? The parent received a seemingly helpful answer that laid ou…


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