Incident 288: New Jersey Police Wrongful Arrested Innocent Black Man via FRT

Description: Woodbridge Police Department falsely arrested an innocent Black man following a misidentification by their facial recognition software, who was jailed for more than a week and paid thousands of dollar for his defense.


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Alleged: unknown developed an AI system deployed by Woodbridge Police Department, which harmed Nijeer Parks.

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Khoa Lam
He spent 10 days in jail after facial recognition software led to the arrest of the wrong man, lawsuit says · 2020

Editor’s note: This article has been updated to include a statement from the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office.

When Nijeer Parks walked out of a New Jersey prison in 2016, he returned to his family in Paterson and told them he was done …

Another Arrest, and Jail Time, Due to a Bad Facial Recognition Match · 2020

In February 2019, Nijeer Parks was accused of shoplifting candy and trying to hit a police officer with a car at a Hampton Inn in Woodbridge, N.J. The police had identified him using facial recognition software, even though he was 30 miles …

Black man in New Jersey misidentified by facial recognition tech and falsely jailed, lawsuit claims · 2020

A New Jersey man sued police and prosecutors, claiming he was wrongly arrested and jailed after facial recognition software mistakenly linked him to a hotel theft.

Nijeer Parks, 33, a Black man from Paterson, said his grandmother told him o…

Government Users of Facial Recognition Software Sued by Plaintiff Alleging Wrongful Imprisonment Over Case of Mistaken Identity · 2021

It has become commonplace for government agencies and law enforcement, particularly in large metropolitan areas, to use facial recognition software. These entities are a major client base of Clearview AI (“Clearview”), as we disclosed last …


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