Description: The Los Angeles Times removed its AI-generated “insights” feature after it is alleged to have produced a defense of the Ku Klux Klan. The AI reportedly framed the hate group as a product of societal change rather than an extremist movement. The AI tool, developed by Perplexity and promoted by owner Patrick Soon-Shiong, was designed to provide “different views” on opinion pieces.
View all entitiesAlleged: Perplexity developed an AI system deployed by Los Angeles Times and Patrick Soon-Shiong, which harmed Los Angeles Times , Los Angeles Times readers and General public.
Alleged implicated AI system: Los Angeles Times insights feature
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Daniel Atherton
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The Los Angeles Times removed its new AI-powered "insights" feature from a column after the tool tried to defend the Ku Klux Klan.
Columnist Gustavo Arellano's Feb. 25 column reflected on Anaheim's history with the hate group after the city…
A "variant" is an incident that shares the same causative factors, produces similar harms, and involves the same intelligent systems as a known AI incident. Rather than index variants as entirely separate incidents, we list variations of incidents under the first similar incident submitted to the database. Unlike other submission types to the incident database, variants are not required to have reporting in evidence external to the Incident Database. Learn more from the research paper.
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