Incident 712: Meta AI Hallucinates Harassment Allegations Against New York Politicians

Description: Meta's AI chatbot in Facebook Messenger falsely accused multiple state lawmakers of sexual harassment, fabricating incidents, investigations, and consequences that never occurred. These fabricated stories, discovered by City & State, sparked outrage among the affected lawmakers and raised concerns about the reliability of the chatbot. Meta acknowledged the errors and committed to ongoing improvements.


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Alleged: Meta and Facebook users developed an AI system deployed by Meta, which harmed Meta , Facebook users , Kristen Gonzalez , Clyde Vanel and New York lawmakers.

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Daniel Atherton
Meta AI falsely claims lawmakers were accused of sexual harassment · 2024

If you're looking for information about state lawmakers, maybe don't trust Facebook's new Meta AI -- it may hallucinate about sexual harassment. 

Facebook's chatbot, which launched in September as the latest in the trend of generative artif…

Meta AI chatbot fabricates sexual harassment allegations against US politicians · 2024

Meta's new chatbot invents sexual harassment allegations against US politicians. The allegations are fictitious, but the chatbot backs them up with a ton of details.

City & State obtained a screenshot of a Meta AI conversation in which the …


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