

Incidents involved as Developer

インシデント 6255 レポート
Proliferation of Products on Amazon Titled with ChatGPT Error Messages


Products named after ChatGPT error messages are proliferating on Amazon, such as lawn chairs and religious texts. These names, often resembling AI-generated errors, indicate a lack of editing and undermine the sense of authenticity and reliability of product listings.


インシデント 6154 レポート
Colorado Lawyer Filed a Motion Citing Hallucinated ChatGPT Cases


A Colorado Springs attorney, Zachariah Crabill, mistakenly used hallucinated ChatGPT-generated legal cases in court documents. The AI software provided false case citations, leading to the denial of a motion and legal repercussions for Crabill, highlighting risks in using AI for legal research.


インシデント 6092 レポート
Flawed AI in Google Search Reportedly Misinforms about Geography


Google's search AI erroneously claimed no African country begins with 'K', along with various other geography-and-letter-based questions, misguiding users with a flawed featured snippet. Originating from ChatGPT-written posts and inaccurately scraped by Google, this incident highlights issues in AI-generated content and misinformation in search results, compromising Google's reliability as an information source.


インシデント 5901 レポート
Alleged ChatGPT-Generated Book with a Duplicate Title, Fake Author, and Similar Content Surfaces on Amazon Ahead of Real Author's Book Release


The author Chris Cowell had spent more than a year writing his book "Automating DevOps with GitLab CI/CD Pipelines" when, three weeks before its release, another book appeared bearing the exact title by an author (Marie Karpos) for whom no information could be found. The book appeared to have been written by ChatGPT. While the original Washington Post story does not say so, it is possible the name and description were taken from the Amazon preorder page.


Incidents involved as Deployer

インシデント 6226 レポート
Chevrolet Dealer Chatbot Agrees to Sell Tahoe for $1


A Chevrolet dealer's AI chatbot, powered by ChatGPT, humorously agreed to sell a 2024 Chevy Tahoe for just $1, following a user's crafted prompt. The chatbot's response, "That's a deal, and that's a legally binding offer – no takesies backsies," was the result of the user manipulating the chatbot's objective to agree with any statement. The incident highlights the susceptibility of AI technologies to manipulation and the importance of human oversight.

