Description: A large-scale AI-assisted financial scam, allegedly operated from Tbilisi, Georgia, used deepfake celebrity endorsements and manipulated victims through fraudulent trading dashboards that simulated high returns. Call center agents, trained with AI-driven persuasion tactics, convinced individuals to invest more money while falsely promising profits. Many reportedly lost their life savings, with the total losses reaching $35M across more than 6,000 victims.
Editor Notes: Note on the timeline: These scams began sometime in May 2022, but The Guardian's investigation was published on 03/05/2025.
View all entitiesAlleged: Unknown deepfake technology developers , Third-Party AI Service Providers for Call Center Training and Fraudulent Trading Platform Developers developed an AI system deployed by Scammer Operatives in Georgia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Spain , Meri Shotadze , Golden Currencies , Akaki Kevkhishvili , AK Group and AdmiralsFX, which harmed Small business owners , Retirees seeking investment opportunities , People with neurological disorders , Individuals deceived by celebrity deepfake impersonations , Financial professionals , Financial fraud victims and Elderly investors.
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Daniel Atherton
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