Description: The Matryoshka disinformation campaign allegedly used AI to impersonate academics, reportedly spreading claims supporting Russia and urging Ukraine's surrender. These videos are said to have misrepresented scholars’ views in order to amplify pro-Russian propaganda. The campaign reportedly exploited global social media platforms to allegedly mislead viewers and undermine trust in credible academic voices while fueling misinformation about the Ukraine conflict.
Editor Notes: Reconstructing the reported timeline of events: (1) September 2023: The Matryoshka disinformation campaign reportedly began, allegedly producing anti-Ukrainian propaganda and distributing it via stolen accounts and bots on platforms like X and Telegram. (2) November 2023: Reports from Viginum reportedly revealed similarities between Matryoshka and Russia's GRU-linked Doppelgänger network, allegedly indicating potential shared origins. (3) Early 2024: The campaign allegedly began using AI to generate deepfake videos of academics from institutions like Cambridge and Harvard. (4) November 2024: The University of Bristol reportedly verified that a video falsely attributing political statements to historian Ronald Hutton was allegedly AI-manipulated. (5) December 13, 2024 (the date for this Incident ID): An investigation by The Insider reportedly confirmed that Matryoshka videos allegedly misrepresented academics’ voices to spread pro-Russian propaganda, with the footage heavily promoted in multiple languages by allegedly stolen social media accounts.
View all entitiesAlleged: Unknown deepfake technology developers developed an AI system deployed by Russian entities linked to GRU , Reliable Russian News and Matryoshka, which harmed Ronald Hutton and Academics targeted by Matryoshka.
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Daniel Atherton
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The Russian disinformation network Matryoshka has launched a new campaign aimed at convincing social media users that scholars and professors from top global universities are calling for the West to lift sanctions against Russia. In the vid…
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A "variant" is an incident that shares the same causative factors, produces similar harms, and involves the same intelligent systems as a known AI incident. Rather than index variants as entirely separate incidents, we list variations of incidents under the first similar incident submitted to the database. Unlike other submission types to the incident database, variants are not required to have reporting in evidence external to the Incident Database. Learn more from the research paper.