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Hey, Happy New Year, and have a seat. There may be more AI fuckery afoot! We’ve already been discussing the proliferation of AI narrators and AI authors. Why not start the year off with a fresh generative AI trashfire, this time with a side…

Fable, a popular social media app that describes itself as a haven for “bookworms and bingewatchers,” created an AI-powered end-of-year summary feature recapping what books users read in 2024. It was meant to be playful and fun, but some of…
Book tracking app Fable will remove its popular AI features after the platform generated some reader summaries that were offensive to race, gender, sexuality and disability.
Fable's annual reading summaries -- similar in style to Spotify Wr…
Fable, a popular app for talking about and tracking books, is changing the way it creates personalized summaries for its users after complaints that an artificial intelligence model used offensive language.
One summary suggested that a read…
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