Description: Spain's People's Party (PP) posted an AI-generated attack video depicting Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez on a beach under the title "The Island of Corruption," a reference to a reality TV show filmed in the Dominican Republic, indirectly linking the country to corruption. The Dominican Foreign Ministry condemned the video as a "vicious attack" for using its national symbols. PP later deleted the post, and Sánchez apologized on behalf of Spain.
View all entitiesAlleged: Unknown deepfake technology developer developed an AI system deployed by People's Party (Spain) and Partido Popular, which harmed Pedro Sánchez , Government of Spain , Government of the Dominican Republic and Relations between Spain and the Dominican Republic.
Alleged implicated AI system: Unknown deepfake app
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Daniel Atherton
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MADRID, March 7 (Reuters) - The Dominican Republic has rebuked Spain's main opposition party over an AI-generated video in which it indirectly linked the Caribbean nation to corruption while attacking its own country's government, leading P…
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