Registro de citas para el Incidente 731

Description: Generative AI hallucinated non-existent software packages, which were then created and uploaded (as an experiment) by security researcher Bar Lanyado. One such package, "huggingface-cli," was downloaded over 15,000 times, including by large companies like Alibaba. Regardless of the framing of it as an experiment, this incident is an example of harm caused by AI-generated hallucinations in coding, as the fake packages were still distributed widely and with potential malware.


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Daniel Atherton
Applied Taxonomies
translated-es-AI hallucinates software packages and devs download them – even if potentially poisoned with malware · 2024

translated-es-Several big businesses have published source code that incorporates a software package previously hallucinated by generative AI.

Not only that but someone, having spotted this reoccurring hallucination, had turned that made-up…


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