

Affecté par des incidents

Incident 7311 Rapport
Hallucinated Software Packages with Potential Malware Downloaded Thousands of Times by Developers


Generative AI hallucinated non-existent software packages, which were then created and uploaded (as an experiment) by security researcher Bar Lanyado. One such package, "huggingface-cli," was downloaded over 15,000 times, including by large companies like Alibaba. Regardless of the framing of it as an experiment, this incident is an example of harm caused by AI-generated hallucinations in coding, as the fake packages were still distributed widely and with potential malware.


Incidents involved as Developer

Incident 1072 Rapports
Chinese Tech Firms Allegedly Developed Facial Recognition to Identify People by Race, Targeting Uyghur Muslims


Various Chinese firms were revealed by patent applications to have developed facial recognition capable of detecting people by race, which critics feared would enable persecution and discrimination of Uyghur Muslims.


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