Journal des citations pour l'incident 739

Description: Scammers used defrauded a woman in New Taipei City of NT$2.64 million (US$81,116) by impersonating Hong Kong entertainer Andy Lau using a deepfake. The scam convinced the victim, a long-time fan, through a video call that "Lau" needed funds for a visit to Taiwan. The victim wired the money, but her family suspected a scam and involved the police. An alleged scammer was arrested after attempting to collect a staged cash payment. The AI deception caused significant financial harm to the victim.


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Présumé : un système d'IA développé par Unknown deepfake technology developer et mis en œuvre par Unknown scammers and Unknown deepfake creator, endommagé Lin (林).

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Daniel Atherton
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translated-fr-Scammers use AI to cheat woman out of NT$2.64m · 2024

translated-fr-A woman in New Taipei City was defrauded of NT$2.64 million (US$81,116) by scammers who used artificial intelligence (AI) apps to deceive her into believing that she was interacting with Hong Kong entertainer Andy Lau (劉德華).



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