Description: The tourists driving through Vermont blamed Waze for directing them into a boat launch in Lake Champlain, prompting the vehicle to slide into the water by the time the drivers realized their location in the dark and foggy weather.
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レポートタイムライン · 2018
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Some tourists driving through Vermont said they ended up in a lake and the blame the driving app Waze.
The app directed them to turn onto a boat launch at the icy Lake Champlain, 9News reported.
The tourists said it was dark and foggy and b… · 2018
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Waze has yet to give an explanation as to why the app directed a group of tourists to drive into Lake Champlain earlier this month.
Tara Guertin of Connecticut loaned three of her friends into her car to take up to Vermont for a ski trip tw… · 2018
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In an episode of The Office come to life, a driver in Vermont steered his car right into Lake Champlain on Friday. The driver says he was using navigation app Waze, which apparently insisted that driving into the lake was the right way to g…
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