Description: AlgorithmWatch tested spam filtering algorithms across Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, GMX, and LaPoste. Their findings reportedly showed that Microsoft Outlook’s spam filter flagged emails based on specific keywords that led to racial and content-based biases blocking legitimate communications. Emails mentioning Nigeria or containing certain financial and sexual health terms were found to be disproportionately marked as spam.
Voir toutes les entitésAlleged: Yahoo , LaPoste , GMX , Microsoft et Google developed an AI system deployed by Yahoo , Outlook , LaPoste , GMX et Gmail, which harmed Yahoo! Mail users , Microsoft Outlook users , LaPoste users , GMX users et Gmail Users.
Systèmes d'IA présumés impliqués: Yahoo! Mail's spam filter , SpamAssassin , Microsoft Outlook's spam filter , LaPoste Mail's spam filter , GMX Mail's spam filter et Gmail's spam filter
Classifications de taxonomie CSETv1
Détails de la taxonomieIncident Number
The number of the incident in the AI Incident Database.
Classifications de taxonomie CSETv0
Détails de la taxonomieProblem Nature
Indicates which, if any, of the following types of AI failure describe the incident: "Specification," i.e. the system's behavior did not align with the true intentions of its designer, operator, etc; "Robustness," i.e. the system operated unsafely because of features or changes in its environment, or in the inputs the system received; "Assurance," i.e. the system could not be adequately monitored or controlled during operation.
Specification, Robustness
Physical System
Where relevant, indicates whether the AI system(s) was embedded into or tightly associated with specific types of hardware.
Software only
Level of Autonomy
The degree to which the AI system(s) functions independently from human intervention. "High" means there is no human involved in the system action execution; "Medium" means the system generates a decision and a human oversees the resulting action; "low" means the system generates decision-support output and a human makes a decision and executes an action.
Nature of End User
"Expert" if users with special training or technical expertise were the ones meant to benefit from the AI system(s)’ operation; "Amateur" if the AI systems were primarily meant to benefit the general public or untrained users.
Public Sector Deployment
"Yes" if the AI system(s) involved in the accident were being used by the public sector or for the administration of public goods (for example, public transportation). "No" if the system(s) were being used in the private sector or for commercial purposes (for example, a ride-sharing company), on the other.
Data Inputs
A brief description of the data that the AI system(s) used or were trained on.
inbound emails
Risk Subdomain
A further 23 subdomains create an accessible and understandable classification of hazards and harms associated with AI
1.1. Unfair discrimination and misrepresentation
Risk Domain
The Domain Taxonomy of AI Risks classifies risks into seven AI risk domains: (1) Discrimination & toxicity, (2) Privacy & security, (3) Misinformation, (4) Malicious actors & misuse, (5) Human-computer interaction, (6) Socioeconomic & environmental harms, and (7) AI system safety, failures & limitations.
- Discrimination and Toxicity
Which, if any, entity is presented as the main cause of the risk
The stage in the AI lifecycle at which the risk is presented as occurring
Whether the risk is presented as occurring as an expected or unexpected outcome from pursuing a goal
Rapports d'incidents
Chronologie du rapport

Une expérience révèle que Microsoft Outlook marque les messages comme spam sur la base d'un seul mot, tel que "Nigeria". Les filtres anti-spam ne sont en grande partie pas audités et pourraient être injustement discriminatoires.
Dans une ex…
Une "Variante" est un incident qui partage les mêmes facteurs de causalité, produit des dommages similaires et implique les mêmes systèmes intelligents qu'un incident d'IA connu. Plutôt que d'indexer les variantes comme des incidents entièrement distincts, nous listons les variations d'incidents sous le premier incident similaire soumis à la base de données. Contrairement aux autres types de soumission à la base de données des incidents, les variantes ne sont pas tenues d'avoir des rapports en preuve externes à la base de données des incidents. En savoir plus sur le document de recherche.
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