Journal des citations pour l'incident 723

Description: An Instagram ad campaign for children's merchandise was intended to reach adult women but was instead predominantly shown to adult men, including convicted sex offenders, due to Instagram's algorithmic targeting. This failure is reported to have led to direct solicitations for sex with a 5-year-old model in the ads.


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Présumé : un système d'IA développé par Meta et mis en œuvre par Meta and Instagram, endommagé Instagram users , Instagram sellers and Children.

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Date de l'incident
Daniel Atherton
Applied Taxonomies
translated-fr-On Instagram, a Jewelry Ad Draws Solicitations for Sex With a 5-Year-Old · 2024

translated-fr-When a children's jewelry maker began advertising on Instagram, she promoted photos of a 5-year-old girl wearing a sparkly charm to users interested in parenting, children, ballet and other topics identified by Meta as appeali…

translated-fr-The Influencer Is a Young Teenage Girl. The Audience Is 92% Adult Men. · 2024

translated-fr-The mom started the Instagram account three years ago as a pandemic-era diversion---a way for her and her daughter, a preteen dancer, to share photos with family, friends and other young dancers and moms. The two bonded, she s…


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