Journal des citations pour l'incident 728

Description: Two voice actors, Paul Skye Lehrman and Linnea Sage, are suing AI start-up Lovo for allegedly creating and promoting unauthorized clones of their voices. Lovo's synthetic voices were discovered in various media, including a podcast and promotional videos. The actors claim they were misled into providing voice samples, which were then used without consent, violating trademark and privacy laws.


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Présumé : Un système d'IA développé et mis en œuvre par Lovo, endommagé Paul Skye Lehrman , Linnea Sage and Voice Actors.

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Date de l'incident
Daniel Atherton
Applied Taxonomies

Rapports d'incidents

translated-fr-What Do You Do When A.I. Takes Your Voice? · 2024

translated-fr-Last summer, as they drove to a doctor's appointment near their home in Manhattan, Paul Skye Lehrman and Linnea Sage listened to a podcast about the rise of artificial intelligence and the threat it posed to the livelihoods of…


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