Registro de citas para el Incidente 729

Description: OpenAI's GPT-4o was found to have its Chinese token training data compromised by spam and pornographic phrases due to inadequate data cleaning. Tianle Cai, a Ph.D. student at Princeton University, identified that most of the longest Chinese tokens were irrelevant and inappropriate, primarily originating from spam and pornography websites. The polluted tokens could lead to hallucinations, poor performance, and potential misuse, undermining the chatbot's reliability and safety measures.


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Presunto: un sistema de IA desarrollado por OpenAI e implementado por OpenAI y GPT-4o, perjudicó a OpenAI , Chinese-speaking users of ChatGPT , Researchers y OpenAI users.

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Daniel Atherton
Applied Taxonomies

Informes del Incidente

translated-es-GPT-4o’s Chinese token-training data is polluted by spam and porn websites · 2024

translated-es-Soon after OpenAI released GPT-4o on Monday, May 13, some Chinese speakers started to notice that something seemed off about this newest version of the chatbot: the tokens it uses to parse text were full of spam and porn phras…


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