Registro de citas para el Incidente 710

Description: Facebook's AI wrongly labeled 20 posts from the Auschwitz Memorial Museum as violating community standards for "bullying" and "nudity," even deleting one image of orphans. The mislabeling of respectful historical content outraged the museum, which demanded an explanation. Meta, Facebook's parent company, apologized, attributing the error to mistaken notices sent by their AI system and acknowledged the posts did not violate any policies.


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Presunto: un sistema de IA desarrollado e implementado por Meta, perjudicó a Auschwitz Memorial Museum , Survivors of Holocaust victims y General public.

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Daniel Atherton
Applied Taxonomies
translated-es-Facebook wrongly labels photographs of Auschwitz victims as showing ‘bullying’ and ‘nudity’ · 2024

translated-es-Facebook has apologised for wrongly labelling photographs of Auschwitz victims as showing "bullying" and "nudity".

The social media giant incorrectly labelled 20 of the Auschwitz Memorial Museum's posts with a note saying they…


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