Unnamed male student
Incidents involved as Deployer
インシデント 79926 レポート
Aledo High School Student Allegedly Generates and Distributes Deepfake Nudes of Seven Female Classmates
In October 2023, an unnamed male student at Aledo High School outside of Fort Worth, Texas allegedly generated and distributed deepfake nude pictures of classmate Elliston Berry and six other female students in her friend group via social media. Berry's mother, Anna McAdams, spoke with Senators Ted Cruz and Amy Klobuchar, who consequently drafted the Tools to Address Known Exploitation by Immobilizing Technological Deepfakes on Websites and Networks (or TAKE IT DOWN) Act.
もっとインシデント 6172 レポート
Male student allegedly used AI to generate nude photos of female classmates at a high school in Issaquah, Washington
At a high school in Issaquah, Washington, a male student is reported to have used deepfake technology to alter pictures of several female classmates and then shared them.
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