Description: A Taranaki, New Zealand resident allegedly lost $224,000 in a Bitcoin scam involving a deepfake video reportedly depicting Prime Minister Christopher Luxon. The AI-generated video, shared on Facebook, purportedly promoted cryptocurrency investments targeting superannuitants. Scammers posing as financial advisers reportedly gained remote access to the victim’s computer and created accounts to facilitate the transfer of funds.
Editor Notes: The incident date of 07/15/2024 is an approximation. Reconstructing the timeline of reported events: (1) Sometime in July 2024, a Taranaki, New Zealand resident, Jill Creasy, reportedly encountered a Facebook advertisement featuring a deepfake video of Prime Minister Christopher Luxon promoting cryptocurrency investments targeting superannuitants. (2) Believing the video to be genuine, Creasy responded to the advertisement and was contacted by an individual posing as a financial adviser, who provided instructions on how to invest in Bitcoin. (3) Over the next 26 days, the scammers allegedly gained remote access to Creasy’s computer through software and created accounts in her name on cryptocurrency exchange platforms. (4) The scammers reportedly transferred over $224,000 from Creasy’s accounts to purchase Bitcoin, redirecting the cryptocurrency to wallets under their control. (5) By late August 2024, Creasy reportedly realized she had been defrauded when promised returns failed to materialize, prompting her to report the incident to police and her bank. (6) In October 2024, alleged follow-up attempts by the scammers to extort additional funds were captured on a secret recording that is reportedly shows their tactics to maintain trust and pressure victims into compliance.
Alleged: Unknown deepfake technology developer developed an AI system deployed by Scammers posing as Christopher Luxon と scammers, which harmed Superannuitants , Pensioners , New Zealanders , Jill Creasy と Elderly investors.
関与が疑われるAIシステム: Unknown deepfake app と Facebook
Daniel Atherton
タラナキの祖母は、クリストファー・ラクソンが年金受給者に仮想通貨への投資を勧める AI 生成のディープフェイク動画 に騙され、詐欺師に 224,000 ドルを失いました。
72 歳のジル・クリシーは、今年 7 月に Facebook でこの本物そっくりの動画広告を見つけました。その中で、首相 は年金受給者に ビットコインに散財 して収入を補うよう促したとされています。
AI で生成された クリストファー・ラクソンのディープフェイク動画 を使用してタラナキの祖母から 224,000 ドルを盗んだ詐欺師たちが、年金受給者からさらに多くの金をゆすろうとする秘密の録音で 捕まった。
録音された会話には、詐欺師たちが 退職金を流用してビットコインを購入 からわずか数か月後に 72 歳のジル・クリーシーさんの信頼を取り戻そうとし、質問された場合に銀行員に何と答えるべきかを指導している様子が映っている。