Description: Scammers have allegedly been using deepfake technology and fake social media accounts to reportedly impersonate Leonor, Princess of Asturias, targeting vulnerable individuals in Latin America. Victims were reportedly lured with promises of financial aid, requiring payments for "fees" or "taxes" before receiving funds, only to allegedly be defrauded repeatedly. TikTok accounts with thousands of followers reportedly amplified the scheme using AI to increase the appearance of credibility.
Editor Notes: Reconstructing the reported timeline of events: (1) Sometime in July 2024: Fraudulent TikTok accounts impersonating Princess Leonor reportedly become active. These accounts allegedly begin targeting vulnerable individuals, particularly in Latin America, with promises of financial aid in exchange for "small fees." (2) Sometime mid-2024: TikTok’s algorithms reportedly boost engagement with these accounts, helping them gain hundreds of thousands of followers and millions of views. (3) November 15, 2024: Victim Juana Cobo from Guatemala reportedly makes her final payment to the scammers, totaling 7,200 quetzales (approximately 880 euros). The scammers block her after receiving the payment. (4) December 3, 2024: El País reports the scam, having tracked and followed the modus operandi of the scammers over several weeks. Their investigation reports on the AI-generated videos and aggressive phishing tactics via TikTok and WhatsApp. (5) Early December 2024: TikTok España reportedly removes several fraudulent accounts following the El País report. However, many fake accounts reportedly remain active, some dating back to July 2024. (6) December 2024: El País contacts Casa Real (the Spanish Royal Household) for a statement. It is reported that Casa Real declines to comment but confirms they have no official presence on TikTok. Investigators reportedly identify the scammers’ accounts and payment systems as originating in the Dominican Republic. (7) Ongoing: The scam is reportedly continuing to target elderly and vulnerable individuals in Latin America, despite TikTok's partial crackdown.
Voir toutes les entitésAlleged: Unknown deepfake technology developer developed an AI system deployed by TikTok scammers , Scammers posing as Leonor (Princess of Asturias) et Fraudsters, which harmed Vulnerable people in Latin American countries , Juana Cobo et Financially distressed individuals.
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Daniel Atherton
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La princesse Leonor d'Espagne n'a pas de compte TikTok officiel, pourtant des dizaines de comptes se faisant passer pour elle ont vu le jour, ciblant des victimes dans le monde entier, notamment en Amérique latine. Ces profils frauduleux, c…

Bien qu’ils n’aient aucune présence officielle sur la plateforme, des dizaines de faux comptes prétendant représenter le jeune prince ont fait surface, promettant une aide financière tout en abusant de la confiance des victimes.
Ces profils…