Journal des citations pour l'incident 726

Description: Cruise has settled for between $8 million and $12 million with a pedestrian dragged by one of its autonomous vehicles in October 2023. The incident, where the pedestrian was initially hit by a human-driven car and then dragged 20 feet by the Cruise vehicle, led to the suspension of Cruise's operations and increased regulatory scrutiny.


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Présumé : Un système d'IA développé et mis en œuvre par Cruise, endommagé Unnamed pedestrian.

Statistiques d'incidents

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Daniel Atherton
Applied Taxonomies
translated-fr-US agency, California gathering details of accident involving robot taxi and pedestrian · 2023

translated-fr-WASHINGTON, Oct 3 (Reuters) - U.S. and California officials said on Tuesday they are in discussions with General Motors' (GM.N), opens new tab self-driving unit Cruise about an accident in San Francisco involving a pedestrian …

translated-fr-GM-owned Cruise reached a more than $8M settlement with pedestrian who was dragged by robo taxi · 2024
Réponse post-incident de Jessica Mathews

translated-fr-Cruise, the self-driving robo taxi company owned by General Motors, reached a settlement with the pedestrian who was dragged by one of its vehicles last fall, according to someone with knowledge of the matter and independently…

translated-fr-Cruise settles with person dragged under one of its robotaxis · 2024
Réponse post-incident de Gerrit De Vynck

translated-fr-SAN FRANCISCO --- General Motors-owned self-driving car company Cruise reached a multimillion-dollar settlement this week with the pedestrian that was dragged by one of its cars in October.

Fortune first reported the settlemen…


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