
Russian government

Incidentes involucrados como desarrollador e implementador

Incidente 6027 Reportes
Russia using artificial intelligence in disinformation campaigns to erode Western support for Ukraine


The Russian government has been stepping up its foreign influence campaigns by using artificial intelligence and emerging technologies to spread disinformation and sow distrust in policies supportive of Ukraine. Part of the strategy includes carrying out influence laundering operations by disseminating their messages to the American public via allies inside nominally independent organizations, according to a recent declassified analysis. This incident is an evolving project.


Incidents involved as Developer

Incidente 6446 Reportes
State-Sponsored Hackers Escalate Phishing Attacks Using Artificial Intelligence


State-sponsored hackers from North Korea, Iran, Russia, and China are reportedly leveraging artificial intelligence to conduct sophisticated phishing and social engineering attacks. They target global defense, cybersecurity, and cryptocurrency sectors, aiming to steal sensitive information and, in the case of North Korea, cryptocurrencies to help fund its illicit nuclear program.


Incidents involved as Deployer

Incidente 6741 Reporte
Manipulated Media via AI Disinformation and Deepfakes in 2024 Elections Erode Trust Across More Than 50 Countries


AI-driven election disinformation is escalating globally, leveraging easy-to-use generative AI tools to create convincing deepfakes that mislead voters. This shift has simplified the process for individuals to generate fake content, having already eroded trust in elections by undermining public trust and manipulating voter perceptions. Evidence has, for example, been documented in incidents across the U.S., Moldova, Slovakia, Bangladesh, and Taiwan.


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