Registro de citas para el Incidente 718

Description: In late 2021, OpenAI and other tech giants like Google and Meta reportedly faced data shortages for training AI models. OpenAI is said to have developed a tool called Whisper to transcribe over one million hours of YouTube videos, potentially violating YouTube’s terms of service. Similarly, Google allegedly transcribed YouTube videos, risking copyright infringements. Meta reportedly explored summarizing copyrighted texts without permission and debated acquiring Simon & Schuster for data.


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Presunto: un sistema de IA desarrollado e implementado por OpenAI , Meta y Google, perjudicó a YouTube creators , General public y Content creators.

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Daniel Atherton
Applied Taxonomies

Informes del Incidente

translated-es-How Tech Giants Cut Corners to Harvest Data for A.I. · 2024

translated-es-In late 2021, OpenAI faced a supply problem.

The artificial intelligence lab had exhausted every reservoir of reputable English-language text on the internet as it developed its latest A.I. system. It needed more data to train…


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