Registro de citas para el Incidente 643

Description: A deepfake video claimed France 24 reported a Kyiv plot to assassinate French President Macron. This fake news was debunked by France 24, which confirmed the video was altered and did not air any such report.


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Presunto: un sistema de IA desarrollado por Unknown deepfake creator e implementado por VKontakte , Russian media outlets y Pro-Russian Telegram channels, perjudicó a Julien Fanciulli , General public y France 24.

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Fecha del Incidente
Daniel Atherton
Les Observateurs - Un projet d'assassinat contre Emmanuel Macron en Ukraine ? Attention, cette vidéo est truquée · 2024
Respuesta post-incidente de France 24

Emmanuel Macron devait se rendre en Ukraine mercredi 14 février. Mais l’Élysée a finalement annoncé que la visite du président français était reportée, notamment pour des raisons de sécurité. Depuis, une vidéo qui circule sur les réseaux so…

Truth or Fake - FRANCE 24 journalist impersonated in new deepfake video · 2024

A viral video supposedly shows an extract from one of FRANCE 24's news bulletins on its French-language channel. In it, the presenter announces that French President Emmanuel Macron has postponed his trip to Ukraine, because the French secr…

Deepfake about alleged assassination attempt on Macron in Kyiv circulating on social network X · 2024

video allegedly from the French TV channel France 24 is being shared on the social network X. In the video, the host claims that the Ukrainian authorities were supposedly planning an assassination attempt on French leader Emmanuel Macron …

False claims Ukraine planned to assassinate French President · 2024

Russian propagandists accused Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of attempting to assassinate the French president – but it turns out the video segment aired on France 24 is a deep fake generated by artificial intelligence.

French Pres…

No, France 24 did not report that Kyiv planned to 'assassinate' French President · 2024


The Verdict: Fake

The clip masquerading as a France 24 report on Kyiv's supposed plan to attack Macron is a deepfake. France 24 clarified that this news was not aired.

Claim ID d0c73c00

What is the claim?

In the wake of French Pr…

Deepfake TV report fabricates assassination plot · 2024

A supposed news broadcast saying French President Emmanuel Macron cancelled a trip to Ukraine because of a Ukrainian assassination plot has been circulating on social media.

The broadcast and its claim are fake. France 24, the French news n…


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