Jonathan Turley
インシデント 5063 レポート
ChatGPT Allegedly Produced False Accusation of Sexual Harassment
A lawyer in California asked the AI chatbot ChatGPT to generate a list of legal scholars who had sexually harassed someone. The chatbot produced a false story of Professor Jonathan Turley sexually harassing a student on a class trip.
もっとインシデント 8553 レポート
Names Linked to Defamation Lawsuits Reportedly Spur Filtering Errors in ChatGPT's Name Recognition
ChatGPT has reportedly been experiencing errors and service disruptions caused by hard-coded filters designed to prevent it from producing potentially harmful or defamatory content about certain individuals by blocking prompts containing specific names, likely related to post-training interventions. The reported names are Brian Hood, Jonathan Turley, Jonathan Zittrain, David Faber, David Mayer, and Guido Scorza.