Chinese general public
インシデント 8342 レポート
政法机关依法打击治理AI犯罪 守住人工智能技术应用法治底线
Chinese law enforcement has targeted a rise in AI-driven crimes. The crimes include deepfake and voice synthesis used for fraud, identity theft, and unauthorized personality rights usage. In particular, "AI undressing" scams, fake relationships using synthesized voices, and game hacking software make up many of these cases. In response, authorities have prosecuted multiple cases and implemented stricter regulations to control AI misuse.
もっとインシデント 8351 レポート
AI Technology Allegedly Fuels False Reports of Natural Disasters and Accidents in China
In China, AI tools were reportedly used to fabricate and disseminate false reports of disasters, including a landslide in Yunnan, an earthquake in Sichuan, and a sudden death after a traffic incident. On May 27, 2024, a real 5.0-magnitude earthquake occurred in Muli County, Sichuan, with no casualties and limited property damage. However, a social media post later falsely claimed the epicenter was in Xide County and exaggerated the event's severity, adding fabricated images of extensive destruction. The deployers of these false reports have since received administrative penalties from Chinese authorities for their actions.