Registro de citas para el Incidente 694

Description: In response to Joe Biden's announcement that he will run again for office in 2024, the Republican National Committee (RNC) released an attack ad featuring AI-generated images that depict a dystopian vision of the U.S. Even though a small disclaimer was included, the images in the ad, which include scenes of AI-generated crises and conflict, harms information and electoral integrity.


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Daniel Atherton
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translated-es-Republicans respond to Biden reelection announcement with AI-generated attack ad · 2023

translated-es-Joe Biden announced his reelection campaign this morning, and the Republican National Committee (RNC) has responded with an attack ad featuring AI-generated images.

The ad contains a series of stylistic images imagining Biden'…


Una "Variante" es un incidente que comparte los mismos factores causales, produce daños similares e involucra los mismos sistemas inteligentes que un incidente de IA conocido. En lugar de indexar las variantes como incidentes completamente separados, enumeramos las variaciones de los incidentes bajo el primer incidente similar enviado a la base de datos. A diferencia de otros tipos de envío a la base de datos de incidentes, no se requiere que las variantes tengan informes como evidencia externa a la base de datos de incidentes. Obtenga más información del trabajo de investigación.