Registro de citas para el Incidente 653

Description: In a case of AI washing, the SEC charged two investment advisers, Delphia and Global Predictions, for falsely stating their use of artificial intelligence in their investment strategies between 2019 and 2023. Their misleading claims resulted in a settlement whereby the firms agreed to pay a total of $400,000 in penalties, highlighting the critical consequences of misrepresenting AI capabilities on investment decisions and trust.


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Presunto: un sistema de IA desarrollado e implementado por Global Predictions Inc. y Delphia (USA) Inc., perjudicó a Investors.

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Daniel Atherton
translated-es-SEC Charges Two Investment Advisers with Making False and Misleading Statements About Their Use of Artificial Intelligence · 2024
Respuesta post-incidente de Securities and Exchange Commission

translated-es-Washington D.C., March 18, 2024 --- The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced settled charges against two investment advisers, Delphia (USA) Inc. and Global Predictions Inc., for making false and misleading statem…


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