
Google Bard

Incidents involved as Developer

インシデント 62312 レポート
Google Bard Allegedly Generated Fake Legal Citations in Michael Cohen Case


Michael Cohen, former lawyer for Donald Trump, claims to have used Google Bard, an AI chatbot, to generate legal case citations. These false citations were unknowingly included in a court motion by Cohen's attorney, David M. Schwartz. The AI's misuse highlights emerging risks in legal technology, as AI-generated content increasingly infiltrates professional domains.


インシデント 6141 レポート
Google Bard Allegedly Generates False Allegations Against Consulting Firms Used in Research Presented in Australian Parliamentary Inquiry


Australian academics reportedly used Google Bard AI to generate case studies for a parliamentary inquiry, leading to false allegations against major consultancy firms. The AI-generated misinformation prompted an apology from the academics, causing reputational harm for all parties involved and raising concerns about the reliability of AI tools in producing accurate and unbiased information.

