Durham Police Department
Afectado por Incidentes
Incidente 4465 Reportes
ShotSpotter Failed to Alert Authorities of Mass Shooting in North Carolina
ShotSpotter did not detect gunshots and alert Durham police of a drive-by shooting in Durham, North Carolina which left five people in hospital on New Year's Day.
MásIncidents involved as Deployer
Incidente 4465 Reportes
ShotSpotter Failed to Alert Authorities of Mass Shooting in North Carolina
ShotSpotter did not detect gunshots and alert Durham police of a drive-by shooting in Durham, North Carolina which left five people in hospital on New Year's Day.
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Otras entidades que están relacionadas con el mismo incidente. Por ejemplo, si el desarrollador de un incidente es esta entidad pero el implementador es otra entidad, se marcan como entidades relacionadas.