Unnamed middle school students
Afectado por Incidentes
Incidente 6513 Reportes
Students at a Beverly Hills Middle School Allegedly Created and Shared Deepfake Nudes of Their Classmates
At Beverly Vista Middle School in Beverly Hills, California, students allegedly used AI to generate fake nude photos with their classmates' faces, prompting investigations by school officials and the police. The incident highlights the increasing misuse of generative AI among minors.
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Incidente 6513 Reportes
Students at a Beverly Hills Middle School Allegedly Created and Shared Deepfake Nudes of Their Classmates
At Beverly Vista Middle School in Beverly Hills, California, students allegedly used AI to generate fake nude photos with their classmates' faces, prompting investigations by school officials and the police. The incident highlights the increasing misuse of generative AI among minors.
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Otras entidades que están relacionadas con el mismo incidente. Por ejemplo, si el desarrollador de un incidente es esta entidad pero el implementador es otra entidad, se marcan como entidades relacionadas.