Incident 81: Researchers find evidence of racial, gender, and socioeconomic bias in chest X-ray classifiers

Description: A study by the University of Toronto, the Vector Institute, and MIT showed the input databases that trained AI systems used to classify chest X-rays led the systems to show gender, socioeconomic, and racial biases.


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Sean McGregor, Khoa Lam

CSETv1 Taxonomy Classifications

Taxonomy Details

Harm Distribution Basis

race, sex, financial means, age

Sector of Deployment

human health and social work activities

CSETv0 Taxonomy Classifications

Taxonomy Details

Full Description

A study by the University of Toronto, the Vector Institute, and MIT showed the input databases that trained AI systems used to classify chest X-rays led the systems to show gender, socioeconomic, and racial biases. Google startups like, Aidoc, and DarwinAI can scan chest X-rays to determine likelihood of conditions like fractures and collapsed lungs. The databases used to train the AI were found to consist of examples of primarily white patients (67.64%), leading the diagnostic system to be more accurate with diagnosing white patients than other patients. Black patients were half as likely to be recommended for further care when it was needed.

Short Description

A study by the University of Toronto, the Vector Institute, and MIT showed the input databases that trained AI systems used to classify chest X-rays led the systems to show gender, socioeconomic, and racial biases.



Harm Distribution Basis

Race, Sex, Financial means

Harm Type

Harm to physical health/safety

AI System Description

Google start up companies, Aidoc, and DarwinAI that use AI systems to analyze medical imagery

System Developer


Sector of Deployment

Human health and social work activities

Relevant AI functions

Perception, Cognition

AI Techniques

medical image processor

AI Applications

image classification

Named Entities

MIT, Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Vector Institute, Google,, Aidoc, DarwinAI

Technology Purveyor


Beginning Date


Ending Date


Near Miss




Lives Lost


Infrastructure Sectors

Healthcare and public health

Data Inputs

medical imagery databases

Researchers find evidence of racial, gender, and socioeconomic bias in chest X-ray classifiers · 2020

Google and startups like, Aidoc, and DarwinAI are developing AI and machine learning systems that classify chest X-rays to help identify conditions like fractures and collapsed lungs. Several hospitals, including Mount Sinai, have p…


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