Incident 77: Knightscope's Park Patrol Robot Ignored Bystander Pressing Emergency Button to Alert Police about Fight

Description: A Knightscope K5 autonomous "police" robot patrolling Huntington Park, California failed to respond to an onlooker who attempted to activate its emergency alert button when a nearby fight broke out.


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Alleged: Knightscope developed and deployed an AI system, which harmed Cogo Guebara and unnamed woman injured in the fight.

Incident Stats

Incident ID
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Incident Date
Sean McGregor, Khoa Lam

CSETv1 Taxonomy Classifications

Taxonomy Details

Harm Distribution Basis


Sector of Deployment

law enforcement

CSETv0 Taxonomy Classifications

Taxonomy Details

Full Description

A Knightscope K5 autonomous security robot was patrolling Salt Lake Park in Huntington Park, CA in fall 2018 when a fight broke out nearby. An onlooker pressed the emergency alert button on the K5, named HP RoboCop by the town, but the robot did not respond and returned to its patrol of the park. Knightscope says that the emergency alert feature was still under development and therefore the signal was not sent to local police.

Short Description

In Fall 2018, a Knightscope K5 autonomous security robot took no action to stop a nearby fight, despite an onlooker attempting to activate its emergency alert feature.



AI System Description

Knightscope K5 autonomous security robot uses several environmental sensors and voice commands to conduct security operations.

System Developer


Sector of Deployment

Administrative and support service activities

Relevant AI functions

Perception, Cognition, Action

AI Techniques


AI Applications

Image classification, image recognition, facial recognition, speech recognition, self-driving, environment sensing


Huntington Park, CA

Named Entities

Knightscope, Knightscope K5, HP RoboCop, Huntington Park, Salt Lake Park, Huntington Park Police Department, Cosme Lozano

Technology Purveyor

Huntington Park Police Department, Knightscope

Beginning Date


Ending Date


Near Miss




Lives Lost


Data Inputs

LIDAR, sonar, video camera, vibration detection, thermal anomaly detection, automatic signal detection, audio · 2019

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As …

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